Thursday, February 8, 2007

Being a blood donor...

Are you a blood donor? If you are, why, and if you are not, why not? You all are eighteen and than means you can give blood. If you are interested:

13. februar 2007, torek
Humanitarna akcijaKrvodajalska akcija za zaljubljene08.00, Odhod iz Kranja v Ljubljano, Klub študentov Kranj v sodelovanju z Območno enoto Rdečega križa Kranj, brezplačno, Odhod ob 08.00 iz parkirišča Supernove. Prijave na 031 606 805 (Anže) ali na do 12.02. Vsak krvodajalec prejme kino vstopnico in presenečenje Kluba študentov Kranj.

My whole life I was expecting this moment-moment when I will be able to help in this way. And now when my moment is here I probably won't be able to go.

I think there are too little bloood donors. I mean we all want to make this world better and healtier. I believe you all have traced that ''anti-cigarettes war'' that is unrolling in all Europe and also in Slowenia. In my opinion yes cigarettes are dangerous, they kill a thousand of people every year. But why no one isn't talking about how important there is to give blood which can save other thousands lifes???
Sometimes I ask people what they think about becoming a blood donors and they all agree that is great but they all say :''I don't stand needles!'' or ''Are you crazy?! When I see blood I pass out!'' That makes me sad. Because they all think about their own fears but no one doesn't think about the fear that sick people have-dying.

Think, write and HELP!

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Dear all of you! Welcome to my blog!

Here we will talk only in one language! In English:)
I hope my classmates will join. So 4.egC you are more than welcome to give comments, to give ideas. And of course I didn't forget about 4.egF :)
So the first theme I had chosen to start with is talking about OUR FUTURE! So you are free to talk about what are you going to do after you finish secundary school, and if you are in dilemma which faculty to choose we will help you! We can help each other. We only have 1 month to decide and I bet there is still someone who isn't sure which faculty he or she wants to go to. So, come on lets chat:P It's THE CHAT TIME:)

By the way were you to the ''Študentje-dijaki'' today? The location was Kranjska gimnazija. Tjaša and I went-you can see photos:)
And what about the next Friday and Saturday when the ''Informativni dan'' is. Will you go and if so, where?